We provide a dependable product with aesthetic appeal.
Sandy Creek Mining Company, Inc. is a turnkey operation that offers wholesale mining equipment and products used in gemstone panning to tourist attractions around the world.
This, combined with a low maintenance and a non-labor intensive operation, helps keep labor costs to a minimum. Participation rates vary for different types of operations, but they remain reasonable for even the smallest of locations.
Your bottom line after the recovery of equipment costs in the first year will be approximately 1/3 for product cost, and 2/3 for gross profit. School teachers will love you and your operation. Our mining equipment provides both education and a great hands-on participatory activity for kids.
That said, this is not just for kids; all ages will enjoy panning for treasures. The return business and take home bags you will sell have proven to be enormously popular.
Please take the time to view a few pictures of some of our previous installations. We would be more than happy to furnish you with a list of any of our present locations. You can contact us for more details about the bottom line and what we can do for your operation.
Customer video testimonial via https://www.naturalbridgecaverns.com/

What Do We Do?
- The Sandy Creek Mining Company, Inc. is the wholesale builder and supplier of mining equipment and products used in gemstone panning operations.
- We provide goods and services to tourist attractions around the world.
- Our company takes pride in having provided quality equipment, products and services since 1991.

How Do We Do It?
- Complete turnkey operation with all the equipment and products you need to start selling mine rough out of your existing gift shop
- Customers need little assistance with package instruction signs, gem display boxes, and gemstone postcards
- Because this operation can stand on its own and needs no attendant, your labor costs will be reduced. That said, many operations have found the increased sales well worth having an attendant at busy times.

Where Are They?
- Over 800 locations in 26 different countries.
- Small gift shops, campgrounds, amusement parks, family fun centers, country orchards, museums, zoos and show cave operations.
- We have installed equipment at locations with annual visitation as low as 20,000 and as high as 4,000,000 plus